Do the “across the room” test
You might love the swatch, but what will it look like from across the room? When you’re in a store, step back an isle and look at your combination further back–it’s amazing what a little space or a different angle helps you see. Shopping online is a little more challenging–you just can’t do that with a little swatch. But at, they’ve really done a great job of giving you that ability with different views. You can see the fabric up close, view a whole yard, and even see it hanging across the room so you’ll really get a feel for what you’re getting–no surprises! I adore this feature; I wish all online fabric stores had it.
Play with different print types
I like to mix a geometric with a “wow” fabric and one that’s a bit more natural. In this combination, I went with a small geometric yellow print contrasted with the visually strong whales. And then I added in the feathers that have a definite pattern but have a little bit of motion to them. I could have substituted the feathers for a floral and it would have given a similar feel.
Know the feeling you want to evoke
Ask yourself, “What feeling do I get with this fabric combination?” It’s taken some time for me, but I know I want my home to feel fresh, so when I looked at my choices I made sure they felt fresh and alive together. I made a few tweaks initially until I found this combination, and it just felt like “home.”
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