Chalk Paint Heart Candle Holder

Last year around this time I pinned a super cute DIY Heart Mason Jar found at DecorChick. When I was going through my Valentine’s Day board this month, I ran across it again, and wanted to do something similar. And while I created the heart candle holder last week over at Made From Pinterest, today I’m sharing both the heart AND a springy bird (that I put on the opposite side of the candle holder).


And while I love mason jars, I also have several currently painted and sitting unused…so I thought I’d better do something just a little different. Instead, I decided on this candle holder / hurricane that I’ve had for a while but haven’t used much.

While I followed the basic idea of the DIY Heart mason jar, I also wanted to go in a different direction. So I started by taping off the top section of my glass with painter’s tape so I could get a color blocked look. I also decided I wanted one larger image, so I used a paper punch to punch out a shape from painter’s tape and applied it to the candle holder instead of stickers.

On went the paint

and when it was dry (several coats), I peeled everything off and stuck my candle inside the candle holder for a fun, simple Valentine’s idea that I wouldn’t mind sticking around a little longer.

But I also wanted to try something a little more springy, so on the other side of the candle holder I did the same thing with a bird punch. But for the bird, I used a two-step process. After the first layer was finished and I pulled off the tape, I used a second piece of tape and masked off the area where I wanted the wing. Here’s the first layer:

Then I carefully added the wing mask and painted only the wing (a couple of coats) and let it dry.

When I pulled off the second layer of tape, I had this fun design.

I paired the heart side with my feathered heart canvas for a chic and slightly non-traditional Valentine’s Day that’s trendy and cute!

So there you have it–two designs, two ideas for masking and painting, and two chances to show it off. Now if you liked this, I hope you’ll come check out my blog (Mabey She Made It) for more fun tutorials and projects like these:

Vintage Suitcase Side Table || Flower Hair Comb || Creating a Colorful Room without Commitment

And be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google + and Instagram.


Lisa Mabey blogs at Mabey She Made It about DIY, Crafts, Home Decor, and Sewing.

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