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DIY Alphabet Blocks Tutorial

DIY alphabet blocks are such a fun idea for kids, and I’d like you all to welcome Allison from A Glimpse Inside who is going to teach us today! This sweet lady (and yes, I know her personally) has some great stuff on her blog. One of my favorites is the Tutorials page where you can get a glimpse of her style and some of the amazing projects she’s done.
Today she’s sharing these cute DIY Alphabet Blocks, and you’re going to love them!

Hi everyone! I’m Allison and I blog over at A Glimpse Inside.



I am an Army wife and momma to two little girls, 2 yrs old and 9 mths old, with a creative side.

I am happy to be here today helping Lisa out while she loves on that precious new baby girl.

Today I am sharing how to make your own alphabet blocks for your little ones.


 Here is how you can make a batch of DIY Alphabet Blocks for yourself.





1. Start by tracing your blocks on your scrapbook paper.

I used 12 small sheets of paper in six different colors/patterns. They were even double-sided papers so I have multiple patterns to use. You don’t have to use this many, I just wanted to make my blocks more colorful. I traced the block 4 times per sheet since I had so many sheets of paper.

Now, set this aside. You will come back to this in a few minutes.


2. Paint the wooden blocks.

You’ll want to give them two coats each. Pick any color or even leaven them raw if you want. You could also just paint patterns onto your blocks instead of using paper.


3. Cut out your squares. 

While your paint dries, use a paper cutter to cut apart the squares. Trim your paper slightly smaller than the side of the block. Just make sure it’s cute evenly across all the squares.

Separate the patterns based on color and pattern to make sorting them easier in the next step.

4. Choose six squares per block. 

Go through your paper squares and choose one square of each color and put them into groupings of six for each block.



5. Glue them on.

Using Mod Podge, glue a square to each side of the block. Just adhere the paper to the block at this point. Each side will have a different pattern and color.


Continue until all your blocks are covered.


6. Cut out your letters.

Now it’s is time to cut out your letters. I used my Cricut machine to cut the letters out of dark gray card stock. I cut both lower and upper case letters to add more interest. If you don’t have an electronic cutting machine, you can draw the letters on by hand, use a stencil, or even use vinyl.


7. Adhere the letters.

Use the Mod Podge to apply your letters to the blocks. Apply the letters and give it a final coat of Mod Podge to seal everything.

You can choose to leave some sides open, add numbers, or cover all the sides with alphabet letters. I also placed the letters on the blocks in alphabetical order but you could just scramble them up as well. OR add some pictures to the blank sides like an apple on the block with an “a.” There are so many ways to finish these DIY alphabet blocks.


8. Let your blocks dry completely.

I wanted to add a little something extra to the blocks so I pulled out some silver Stickles and a bottle of Dimension Magic to apply to the letters. You could easily leave this step off though.

Let both dry and they are done!


I love how they turned out, and I hope both of my girls love them as well!

Thanks for having me, Lisa! I hope that you guys stop by my corner of the blogging woods sometime at A Glimpse Inside!

You can even hang out with me social media:

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These DIY alphabet blocks are a huge hit at my house for both learning letters and building towers; although I left off the dimensional details to make them better for stacking and building.


Lisa Mabey blogs at Mabey She Made It about DIY, Crafts, Home Decor, and Sewing.

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