Categories: sewingSilhouette

Foxy Lady Pajamas & 43 Other Silhouette Projects

I’ve been having a lot of fun with the Silhouette lately, and so have some of my blogging friends!

Saige keeps growing taller, and there are several pairs of pajamas that just have to go to the “too small” bin, but before I retire them, I wanted to make her a replacement pair. So the other day when we were in the fabric store and she was ogling the flannel, I let her pick out a print for some pajama pants. She tried to pick three, but I made her choose just one (girl after my own heart there). She chose this fun print with owls, squirrels, and foxes.

So I whipped up the pj pants and a couple of t-shirts during Kid’s Clothes Week. But the t-shirt needed a little something, and I had so much fun stenciling my Valentine Heart Pillow that I thought I’d use the same idea for her shirt. Only not hearts. But what? I’m not usually one for lots of graphics on shirts. Simple is good.

I found this fun banner shape and decided I wanted to use it. But a banner with no words is pretty silly, so after a few minutes of thought, I decided to go with the fox theme and let my little girl know she’s a foxy lady.

First I sized the banner and found a font I wanted for the text. After sizing the text to fit on the banner, I was ready to cut!

I cut a stencil out of contact paper (although freezer paper is probably the more appropriate medium for fabric stencils), and placed the negative space of the banner on my t-shirt.

After placing some cardboard in my shirt to keep the paint from bleeding, I dabbed pearly bronze acrylic paint (mixed with fabric medium) into the space, being careful not to get paint under the contact paper. Peel up the contact paper, and let that layer dry.

Once dry, I applied my words to the banner, and filled in the negative spaces using a pearl paint and let it dry.

Heat set with an iron, and you’re ready to put your foxy lady to bed!

Unless it’s the middle of the day and she’s just plain silly.


The fun part about this project is how funny Saige thought it was. I kept calling her “foxy lady” all night, and she’d giggle and repeat it. And when I put her to bed, I said “Goodnight, Foxy Lady” one more time just for fun. I think I’ll keep it up all week.

Want to Check Out More Silhouette Projects?

Today you’ll find 43 other fabric-inspired Silhouette projects, so peruse the projects below for a wealth of Silhouette inspiration!


    1. No-Sew Valentine’s Day Pillows by A Tossed Salad Life
    2. No-Sew Interchangeable Fabric Bunting by unOriginal Mom
    3. Monogrammed Burlap Garden Flag by The Turquoise Home
    4. Crawl, Walk, Bike by It’s Always Craft Time
    5. Freezer Paper Stenciled Tote Bags by Weekend Craft
    6. DIY Bleach Spray Shirt by Practically Functional
    7. Stenciling Sherlock by Please Excuse My Craftermath…
    8. Felt Star Wands by Cutesy Crafts
    9. Yoda Kid’s T-Shirt by Architecture of a Mom
    10. Mark Your Territory- Dog Flags by Black and White Obsession
    11. Nautical Pillows by Lil’ Mrs. Tori
    12. Big Sister Gift & Silhouette Cut File by Creative Ramblings
    13. Nerdy Baby Onesies + Free Cut File by Essentially Eclectic
    14. Easy Easter Bunny Onesie – Silhouette Cameo Craft by Adventures in All Things Food & Family
    15. Fabric Envelopes for LEARNING LETTERS! (& cut file) by From Wine to Whine
    16. “Good Morning, Sunshine!” Memo Board by Tried & True
    17. Hearts-A-Lot Burlap Pillow Cover by My Paper Craze
    18. Baby Quilt by Dragonfly & Lily Pads
    19. Surprise Holiday Banner by Whats Next Ma
    20. “Team Betty” Tote Bag by The Thinking Closet
    21. DIY Sock Minion by Create it. Go!
    22. Pretty Up Some Organza Bags by Getsilvered
    23. Easy Heart Appliqued Onsies by Create & Babble
    24. Bleach Pen Gel & Freezer Paper Stencils Made with the Silhouette Machine by Bringing Creativity 2 Life
    25. Valentines Baby Onesie & Boy’s Shirt + Free Cut Files by The Frill of Life
    26. Valentine’s OWL Always Love You T-shirt by My Favorite Finds
    27. DIY Screen Printed Curtains by Chicken Scratch NY
    28. Fabric Painted Quilted Wall Hanging by Terri Johnson Creates
    29. Glitter Iron-On Top by Simply Kelly Designs
    30. DIY Monogrammed T-shirts with Silhouette Heat Transfer Material by Pitter and Glink
    31. Birthday Challenge by Fadville
    32. Machine Applique with SIlhouette Cameo by The Sensory Emporium
    33. Fabric Applique Valentine’s Day T-Shirt by DailyDwelling
    34. “Cute as Cupid” shirt by crafts, cakes, and cats
    35. Sew Cute Applique by Life After Laundry
    36. Rhino Onesie by It Happens in a Blink
    37. Upcycled Birchbox Cameo Accesory Organizer by Cupcakes&Crowbars
    38. Customizing textiles with Heat Transfer Vinyl (working title) by feto soap
    39. Easy Fabric Art by McCall Manor
    40. Lady Bug Tote Bag with Silhouette Rhinestones by Ginger Snap Crafts
    41. Mommy and Em’s Coordinated Aprons by TitiCrafty
    42. Canvas sketch project and a share by Clever Someday
    43. Foxy Lady Pajamas by Mabey She Made It
    44. Teddy Bear by Work in Progress

Lisa Mabey blogs at Mabey She Made It about DIY, Crafts, Home Decor, and Sewing.

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